Welcome to QiWiz UL Gear!
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Titanium Spatulas
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Once Upon A Time . . .
I have been interested in lightweight backpacking for a long time, and would always tinker with my gear in the interest of making it lighter or better. More than 8 years ago, I got some titanium sheeting to play with and made a few things with it. One item that attracted the attention of fellow enthusiasts was a very light titanium cathole trowel.
Well, one thing led to another, and before I knew it I was making titanium cathole trowels in my spare time. I've now sold thousands to UL backpackers and thru-hikers. In fact, if you want to have one of the lightest cathole trowels on the planet, I am the only one in the world who makes a heat-shaped titanium trowel you can buy.
Not exactly the type of fame I ever expected, but there it is.
Can you dig it?
First trowels, then saws and stoves . . .
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