Welcome to QiWiz UL Gear!



Stoves and Cooking Gear



Titanium Spatulas

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Once Upon A Time . . .

I have been interested in lightweight backpacking for a long time, and would always tinker with my gear in the interest of making it lighter or better. More than 8 years ago, I got some titanium sheeting to play with and made a few things with it. One item that attracted the attention of fellow enthusiasts was a very light titanium cathole trowel.

Well, one thing led to another, and before I knew it I was making titanium cathole trowels in my spare time. I've now sold thousands to UL backpackers and thru-hikers. In fact, if you want to have one of the lightest cathole trowels on the planet, I am the only one in the world who makes a heat-shaped titanium trowel you can buy.

Not exactly the type of fame I ever expected, but there it is.
Can you dig it?

First trowels, then saws and stoves . . .

While on a long section hike on the AT over three weeks in 2011, I conceived of a way to make a really light saw. I never used to carry a saw to save weight, but maybe now I could. As I played around with materials and sourced the components for the saw I wanted, I realized I had another cottage industry product on my hands. Eventually, I developed a new product line of ultralight buck saws. More recently I redesigned an UL titanium wood burning stove I had made a few years ago and the FireFly Stove was born. Since then, I've added windscreens and other cooking accessories and cooking systems to my gear.

For information on when you can expect to receive gear you order, check my Shipping Status